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A. High-risk investment product

1. The value of the investments and the return obtained from them may experience significant upward and downward variations, and the entire amount invested may be lost.
2. Investments in early stage projects involve a high level of risk, so it is necessary to properly understand their business model.
3. Cryptoassets within the scope of this Circular are not covered by client protection mechanisms such as the Deposit Guarantee Fund or the Investor Guarantee Fund.
4. Cryptoasset prices are constituted in the absence of mechanisms that ensure their correct formation, such as those present in regulated securities markets.
5. Many cryptoassets may lack the necessary liquidity to be able to unwind an investment without suffering significant losses, since their circulation among both retail and professional investors may be very limited.

B. Risks inherent in the technology

6. Distributed ledger technologies are still at an early stage of maturity, with many of these networks having been created recently, so they may not be sufficiently tested and there may be significant flaws in their operation and security.
7. The recording of transactions in networks based on distributed ledger technologies works through consensus protocols that may be susceptible to attacks that attempt to modify this record and, if these attacks are successful, there would be no alternative record to back up these transactions and therefore the balances corresponding to the public keys, and all the cryptoassets could be lost.
8. The anonymity facilities that cryptoassets can provide make them a target for cybercriminals, since in the case of stealing credentials or private keys they can transfer the cryptoassets to addresses that make their recovery difficult or impossible.

C. Legal risks

9. The acceptance of cryptoassets as a means of exchange is still very limited and there is no legal obligation to accept them.
10. If the investor is not in possession of the crypto-assets held in digital wallets of a service provider and does not have access to the private keys thereof, this situation is indicated and the investor’s rights to these crypto-assets are assumed due to the terms and conditions of the service provider.

Dirigido a inversores españoles.

La inversión en criptoactivos no está regulada, puede no ser adecuada para inversores minoristas y perderse la totalidad del importe invertido.
Es importante leer y comprender los riesgos de esta inversión que se explican detalladamente en esta ubicación”.

Producto de inversión de alto riesgo
1. El valor de las inversiones y el rendimiento obtenido de las mismas puede experimentar significativas variaciones al alza y a la baja, pudiendo perderse la totalidad del importe invertido.
2. Las inversiones en proyectos en etapas tempranas suponen un alto nivel de riesgo, por lo que resulta necesario entender adecuadamente su modelo de negocio.
3. Los criptoactivos del ámbito de esta Circular no están cubiertos por mecanismos de protección al cliente como el Fondo de Garantía de Depósitos o el Fondo de Garantía de Inversores.
4. Los precios de los criptoactivos se constituyen en ausencia de mecanismos que aseguren su correcta formación, como los presentes en los mercados regulados de valores.
5. Muchos criptoactivos pueden verse carentes de la liquidez necesaria para poder deshacer una inversión sin sufrir pérdidas significativas, dado que su circulación entre inversores, tanto minoristas como profesionales, puede ser muy limitada.

Riesgos propios de la tecnología
6. Las tecnologías de registros distribuidos se encuentran todavía en un estadio temprano de maduración, habiendo sido muchas de estas redes creadas recientemente, por lo que pueden no estar suficientemente probadas y existir fallos significativos en su funcionamiento y seguridad.
7. El registro de las transacciones en las redes basadas en tecnologías de registros distribuidos funciona a través de protocolos de consenso que pueden ser susceptibles a ataques que intenten modificar dicho registro y, en caso de tener éxito estos ataques, no existiría un registro alternativo que respalde dichas transacciones ni por tanto a los saldos correspondientes a las claves públicas, pudiéndose perder la totalidad de los criptoactivos.
8. Las facilidades de anonimato que pueden aportar los criptoactivos los convierten en un objetivo para los ciberdelincuentes, ya que en el caso de robar credenciales o claves privadas pueden transferir los criptoactivos a direcciones que dificulten o impidan su recuperación.

Riesgos legales
9. La aceptación de los criptoactivos como medio de cambio es aún muy limitada y no existe obligación legal de aceptarlos.
10. Cuando el proveedor de servicios no se encuentra localizado en un país de la Unión Europea la resolución de cualquier conflicto podría resultar costosa y quedar fuera del ámbito de competencia de las autoridades españolas.

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      IFBA Blockchain

      The Islamic Federated Byzantine Agreement (IFBA) has three main innovations over FBA, which provides optimal resilience in decision-making, improves transparency, increases the costs for malfunctioning and ill-behaving nodes, and ensures the blockchain is Fiqh compliant. These innovations ensure the nodes in the network of the CAIZchain can always reach consensus, meaning the blockchain will never stop running.

      The three innovations are:

      I. Introduction of Islamic Supervisory Nodes
      Special type of node which is run by Islamic scholars who are respected leaders in the community

      II. Verified, Public Nodes
      Individuals and organizations must pass identity and compliance verification in order to join the CAIZchain network.

      III. Caiz Consensus Protocol
      It is used by nodes in the network to ensure the validity and Fiqh compliance of statements or ledger updates.


      DeCe by Caiz

      We developed and introduced a new financial architecture that combines the advantages of decentralized (De) and centralized (Ce) systems, giving rise to the distinctive DeCe acronym. Our mission is to secure a safe and inclusive environment that allows our community to capitalize on the opportunities provided by new digital systems. We can offer lower fees and a faster and more transparent framework based on high moral principles by balancing operations and instruments. Importantly, our users always maintain complete ownership and control over their data, deciding what to disclose and when.

      The benefits of our integrated system are self-evident: a more streamlined and efficient financial system that empowers both individuals and enterprises. But that's not all. CAIZ is at the forefront of this exciting transformation as the digital shift toward decentralized systems creates new resources and opportunities. We want to be equipped for the next stage of the global economy.


      Our moral compass

      Our name, CAIZ (jāʾiz), represents our commitment to preserving the values of lawfulness, trustworthiness, and legitimacy in all that we do. We prioritize inclusion, justice, safety, and philanthropy by adhering to Fiqh-compliant financial principles. A Fiqh-compliant financial model is centered on principles such as the prohibition of Riba (interest), asset-backed transactions, and limits on funding Haram (banned) ventures. This approach is decisively different from traditional financial systems and provides countless benefits to investors.

      First and foremost, a Fiqh-compliant financial model protects investors and their assets. Unlike traditional interest rates, a Fiqh-compliant structure allows for equity participation, with investors sharing risks and gains. Likewise, a Fiqh-compliant system emphasizes equity and places itself on parity with investors. Activity screenings are built on clear principles that prioritize social utility rather than solely focusing on profit potential. A Fiqh-compliant financial model has a long-term and positive impact on society and appeals to investors who are increasingly looking for evidence of good intentions. This is possible through a drive for transparent cooperation and the avoidance of industries that can contribute to harm.

      Our ambition at CAIZ is to bring financial instruments to users who do not have access to traditional financial systems, while simultaneously providing a more simplified and congenial model to those who are already in the finance sector.


      CAIZchain with the governance API - The CAIZchain is a distributed database solution that functions as the host for CAIZcoin and all related APIs to facilitate decentralized, peer-to-peer transactions. The blockchain operates on a network of federated nodes that approve transactions, governed by a Fiqh-compliant governance layer. To ensure Fiqh compliance, the CAIZchain incorporates innovative methods, such as full KYC requirements for new users to access the ecosystem, and an IFBA protocol, which stands for this protocol offers a more robust consensus mechanism than existing protocols, in that it ensures compliance with Islamic transaction principles.


      CAIZapi is a SaaS solution that offers access to our blockchain ecosystem, enabling you to develop apps and leverage on existing denomination to transfer value and assets. Our blockchain ecosystem enables developers to build applications that interact with other users in the network. You can use our APIs to communicate with smart contracts, send transactions and access data from other users’ wallets. We will build a variety of tools that make it easy for developers to start building their own applications using CAIZapi. These include for example a library of code samples and tutorials that show how you can use our APIs in your next projects.


      CAIZwallet - The CAIZwallet is a digital wallet that enables users to store CAIZcoin and various financial products in the CAIZ Ecosystem. It serves as the core element for a user's interaction with the CAIZchain and the financial products offered within the Caiz Ecosystem. Integrated into the CAIZapp, the CAIZwallet can be downloaded by users on their mobile devices. Prior to utilizing the CAIZwallet and CAIZapp, users must complete a Know-Your-Customer (KYC) process, which includes identity verification and several checks to ensure compliance with anti-money laundering regulations. Furthermore, the CAIZwallet offers additional features, such as confirming transactions that are compliant with Islamic law as well as allocating a percentage of funds to Zakat.


      The CAIZapp serves as the centerpiece of the extensive CAIZ Ecosystem. With the App, you can maintain complete control over your digital assets and access all the features of the ecosystem. Check your transaction history and stay up-to-date with the latest market value of Caiz. It can be downloaded onto a mobile phone or accessed via a webpage. The CAIZapp will be consistently enhanced with new features as they become available.
